Alliance of International Business Associations Journal

Alliance of International Business Associations Journal

Alliance of International Business Associations Journal featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Pride Shrike

The mascot design of Pingtung city has long been monkeys because the old name of Pingtung is "Ahou", which is pronounced similar to "monkey" in Mandarin. In order to break away from stereotyped thinking, the team selected brown shrike, the bird of Pingtung County, as an inspiration to give everyone a refreshing impression about Pingtung. The games cheer not only for the winners, but all athletes as they all make us proud.

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Lan Ya Bai Yun

The book records, researches and restores the skills of the blue calico. The pictures and texts fully show the unique design of the Chinese blue book binding. The magnetic hardcover gift box on the cloth, the cover is depressed and opened in blue, contains double volumes, naked ridge lock blue thread, classic Elegant, dedicated and clean, with great cultural heritage and collection value. Open this Chinese blue dye "collection of classics" for you to unfold the 800-year charm of printing and dyeing craftsmanship!

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The 15th Games of Jiangxi

The core of this design is to study the integration of ceramic culture and sports elements to achieve a series of sports theme posters. This series of posters adopts the modern design method, redesigns the traditional Chinese ceramic culture, combines the sports elements, embodies the sports posters with cultural heritage, and can play a role in promoting the urban culture. This is a series of posters for the sports meeting held in Jingdezhen, the capital of porcelain. Therefore, the poster design combines ceramic culture with sports elements.

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I love You From Afar

At the beginning of the pandemic, when everyone was in quarantine in Chile, all Miniso stores were closed, and to maintain the commitment to its audience, the "I Love You From Afar" campaign was created, which is executed 100% online delivering thousands of ideas to entertain your consumers while they were locked up.

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Welfare is Gold

A major cultural transformation strategy to prevent harassment in the workplace considers the integration of Welfare Commissions, an Attention Protocol, an intensive Communication Program, and a web app to deliver personalized protocols to serve and transform the lives of more than 19,000 employees.

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Arminda Caffe

Arminda Coffee goes back to the life of Lady Arminda and her granddaughter heritage. The proposal is permeated with history, meaning and purpose, bringing the scenery by the Uruguayan and Brazilian plateaus and plains the paths of the Brazilian cavaliers. This is the context told through design, the visual identity praises the real story and the result is a new brand witch offers solutions for a meaning experience, sophistication and care. The unique aroma of past or tradition, invades the house as well as stimulates the senses and harmony.

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