Meat by Meet Digital Marketing - Alliance of International Business Associations Journal

Alliance of International Business Associations Journal

Alliance of International Business Associations Journal featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Meat by Meet

Meat by Meet project was performed by means of different and depth digital skills: business identity graphics advertising, high web design, web programming, ads, and social media communication. These are just some of the activities performed to make the precious of this butcher more than the common food traders. Both by viewing the video and by browsing the website, you can see the detail level and passion applied in every digital area undertaken, so much so that this project has promoted the customer as the 1st online butcher shop in Italy on the basis of sales 2022.

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World's greatest design teams.

Sometimes you need a very big team of talented designers to come up with truly great designs. Everyday, we feature a distinct award-winning innovative and creative design team. Explore and discover original and creative architecture, good design, fashion, graphics design and design strategy projects from design teams worldwide. Get inspired by the original works by grand master designers.

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